Dyslexia Newsroom
More and more successful and well-known individuals are coming forward to speak about their struggles and triumphs with dyslexia. Also, new research in the field and advances in technology are changing the way scientists, educators and others view dyslexia. Check back here often for feature articles that may surprise and inspire you.
Click the links for the latest articles and research about dyslexia.
IDA Fact Sheet on Universal Screening
IDA has released a new Fact Sheet came out on Universal Screening. It was written by Deadra Rosenberg, Barbara Wilson and Alison Pankowski.
E-readers benefit some dyslexics
A study in by the Smithsonian Institute found that dyslexic individuals read more quickly and with better comprehension when reading on e-readers set to show only a few words per line.
Success tip: think like dyslexic
This article looks at some very successful dyslexic individuals and explores some of the possible reasons for their success.
Study shows stronger links between entrepreneurs and dyslexia
A 2007 research study by Julie Logan of the Cass Business school in London found that 1/3 of entrepreneurs surveyed described themselves as dyslexic.
New Dyslexia Documentary Explains Entrepreneur Link
HBO recently presented a documentary about dylsexia, exploring the link between dyslexia and success.
Click the links for news about how NJIDA and others are making a difference.
Morpurgo writes first book in range for dyslexic parents
After being approached by a dyslexic father who longed to read to his child, but found it difficult to read conventional picture books, publisher Barrington Stokes created Red Squirrel Books.
Ghotit releases its writing & reading solution for Windows tablets
Created by a dyslexic individual, Ghotit Real Writer & Reader is a program for use with Windows 8 on any device. The program includes a context-sensitive spellchecker, advance grammer checker and other features designed to help individuals with dyslexia, dysgraphia and other reading difficulties.
Click the links for stories about celebrities and other individuals with dyslexia.
Bigger Than Me: How a Boy Conquered Dyslexia to Play in the NFL
Retired NFL player Jovan Haye’s shares his struggle with dyslexia in his book, Bigger Than Me: How a Boy Conquered Dyslexia to Play in the NFL
Malcolm Gladwell talks underdogs and longshots
Malcolm Gladwell speaks about his new book, David and Goliath, which includes a chapter about dyslexia. (VIDEO)
Children with dyslexia face problems in school: Sally Gardner
Sally Gardner’s new novel, Maggot Moon, features a main character who, like Gardner herself, is dyslexic.
Taming words that dance
In this interview with Sally Gardner she shares information about her book,Maggot Moon, her writing process and how dyslexia has a affected her life and career.
Famous people with dyslexia
So Femine UK presents 29 celebrities who are all talented, successful and dyslexic.
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